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Feb 12, 13 2k9

Adroit 2K9 Updates

Adroit 2K9
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Query Challenge is where you can send queries and display required data.So come prepared and brush all your books to create queries and get the output.

select * from Adroit2k9;

Registration fee: Rs.30/-

Duration: 50min

Rules and Regulations

1. There is only one member per team.

2. In this contest participant should have basic knowledge of SQL and also a little idea on DBMS. Number of queries are 10.

3. All the related information will be given associated with the query like schema's ,tables etc. participant will be given 1 query at a time and 5min of time will be given for each query..if he/she solves the query marks are allotted for that and at the end total is calculated..if participant is unable 2 solve the query after 5 min next query will be given and no marks are allotted for the unsolved

Negative marking is there for wrong queries.

4. Prize money is awarded to both winner and runner-up.

5. Merit and participation certificates will be given on the spot.

6. You can Register Online for this event. Spot registrations are also available.

For more details contact the event Team Lead

Team Leads:


Ph no:- 9908249289


Ph no:- 9949145829




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